Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Random Quotes From people equally as awsome as me.

[12:30] Sadie Aura: <------ratarded
[12:30] babyblueeyes Beck: not
[12:30] Sadie Aura: i can't even spell retarded!

[13:48] Sadie Aura: paint thinner smells good :D
[13:48] AliceAnn Alter: *waves a hand* cut it out you two you know exactly what I mean.
[13:48] AliceAnn Alter: and no smelling paint thinner @_@
[13:48] Sadie Aura: :(
[13:48] Sadie Aura: ruin all my fun D:
[13:48] AliceAnn Alter: you can cause sevier brain damage....
[13:49] Sadie Aura: to late ms.A

[17:31] Gage Hilltop: Can I have your number? -keeps a serious look on his face-
[17:31] AliceAnn Alter: ............................................... what?
[17:31] Sadie Aura: -facepalm-
[17:32] babyblueeyes Beck: XXD
[17:32] AliceAnn Alter: x_x .....
[17:32] Sadie Aura: how retarded are you gage?
[17:32] Elle CanareElle Canare falls out of the chair and dies laughing
[17:32] babyblueeyes Beck: lolness
[17:32] Gage HilltopGage Hilltop tries not to crack a smile
[17:32] AliceAnn Alter: Gage....
[17:32] AliceAnn Alter: go back to sleep....
[17:32] Sadie Aura: lmao XD
[17:32] babyblueeyes Beck: hahahahhha XXXXXXD
[17:32] Sadie Aura: -tears of laughter-
[17:32] Gage Hilltop: Hear that? I got permission to sleep..
[17:32] Elle Canare whispers: oooh r-e-j-e-c-t-i-o-nnnnn

[17:49] Elle Canare: say u love chad >:O OR DIE

Dear bed, I'm sorry i left you this morning. Take me back?

Herro everyone who actually reads idea who you are exactly but hey ty if you do. I'd like to start by Saying wow. My drama meter has finally dropped down again thank gawd. Lately i feel like i'm in a room with people and everyone is trying to eat me alive, but i made it out alive. I love how people talk smack or half truth...though i'm guilty of some of it myself i admit...but i atleast admit when i'm wrong, others just swear to the half truth as full truth and don't bother to get the whole story before talking smack. Anyway moving on....

Besides that drama, My old dad is back in SL....well he's not my dad anymore but ya know it was hard to frogive and forget. I admit it was partly my fault he left but mostly his. In all honesty, but i'm not the easiest to live with when hurt either so I admit that. He and i have been friends for a long time and it really all got messed up. I admit i missed him some though. We'll see where that goes.

Drama drama, you know a friend of mine once said. "We're all on SL and we say we don't want drama, But sl drama go hand in hand so even when you say you don't want drama your here arn't you?" He's a wise man. We say we don't want drama or pain or hurt, but really sometimes it feels thats what SL runs off of, but then you get those people....those few people that make all the fighting worth while. The people who you'd face the drama of 10000 teen avvy brats to make sure they don't hurt. I have some of those people. and i love em. Their good friends, good people, and family.

We forget in the middle of our own lives that there are those people....the ones we care for. Boy I found out who I care for and who my true friends and true blue people are.  Their the one who stand by me when i mess up. The ones who forgive me when I don't deserve it, and if your one of these people..thanks for believing in me and stnading by me, thanks for caring for me, and i promise nvr to let drama, rumors, or gossip come between us. I ♥ you guys.

and here's a msg to the others, The half truth believers the ones who think that they know me....
People talk smack cause they think they know me hunny if i had the right stuff you'd be the first to BLOW ME!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

La dee da da da da.... i'm bored

So today well lets see not much happend well alot happend but not really lol....i'll explain.

So i woke up and sat with my normal group most of the day while i worked on photos in photoshop. AND made BANK 2500L lol. I also got a new studio so i'll be opening that soon :) Thats right my "talent" will be used to work on other photos. :).... I named it Posh & Pretty Studio's :D diva princess i know i know

I also logged some funny trans today thought i'd share....more photo's soon

My mom said this :O!!!! gotta love her!
[11:15] Majandra Nowles: I just get this random IM
[11:15] Majandra Nowles: Hey baby, you're hot...wanna make out?
[11:16] Majandra Nowles: So I think a second and reply back.
[11:16] Majandra Nowles: 'Sure, why poseballs or yours?'

The store owner i was talking to cause i spent like 8K in her store >_>

[14:52] Winter Thorn: LOL you're my favourite customer today actually :D
[14:52] Sadie Aura: lol yay! i win


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good day...

Today was a good day :) life carried on mostly like normal. I had a few bumps in the road ( some of which were buildings lol) But at the end of the day well things went great! life carried on and hopefully everything ended well.

Lets see in my life as a teen today i got my first car :D gotta love it

Anyway this is a short post not sure if i wanna talk atm kinda mind blown atm love everyone


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Another amazing day!

Today was another amazing day. Lets see i hung with my dearest and closest. I went shopping( nothing new there) i went to school.

Well lets start with my start of the day i woke up lol duh. Then i hang with my family they rock socks. I continued to hang with em all day and a few others whom i love ;).

Watched roxy crossover....

I Went shopping at the cutest store ever ty to was so cute i'll put up pics when i get of other the amazing outfits :D

Then i went to school...i look forward to school for so many reasons one being....well it's so boring there's nothing to do but get in trouble...but today wasn't that boring...i mean the sub was kick ass and rawkin....her name is Ms.Fraker and i'm a fan :D

lol we also got a vent out feelings about school here's a list of issues according to ...well me :)

::Boring teachers who don't follow through with lessions

:: Them not realizing hello we're teeens ok, We're gonna have drama, we're gonna bully, we're gonna have clicks, and act wilds at lunch, We talk during class, We talk after school, We talk before school. We'll do things to annoy people on propose and yes we think we know everything! we have minds of our own. HELLO we role play teenagers...think back to when you were a teen....i mean really were like this too weather you admit it or not.

:: Dress code

:: someone Ignoring us

:: someone saying they'll boot us if we waka...HELLO waka rules life!

So those are some of my issues...

Besides that it was a good day i got some pics and some quotes here ya go :)

[18:26] Sadie Aura: ikr i'd kick her little butt
[18:27] Aimina Kytori: is this what americans call "white trash?" or did I use the term wrong?
[18:27] Sadie Aura: no you used it right
[18:27] babyblueeyes Beck: hahhaha lmao
[18:27] babyblueeyes Beck: i ♥ that mina

Monday, September 13, 2010

life like life is has been up and down lately. Not that i'm complaining trust me i currently love it. It's crazy how something work out and somethings well they don't. But thats life right? you get unsuspected surprizes and do things welll you never thought you would.

Today was great and my mom moved out, got a place of our own...hell she even had a date :D i'm so proud to call her my mom she deffantly keep trooping on, and even adopted a new baby sister for me, lol i meantioned her before kia, kia is great and she's just like a mini me. I love that kid and boy i'd do anything for her.

As for school well i gett to see what happens tomorrow which should be fun.

Besides that my adventures...well here's a few pics to get you by


Friday, September 10, 2010

A normal day...slightly

Ok so today I basically hung with friends. I also Helped my sorority by hosting the event i designed. It was fun to see the pledges try to guess what was going on.

I also sepent most of the day in this thing called a media moon. It like plays videos and music but it's swirling all around you. It's amazing. I love it so much. I wish i had one actually -sadface- lol.

 I also went shopping....can't wait to wear my new clothes....lmao XD.

I got this thing called a Sqeeker and it sqeeks when someone bumps into me. So in natural fashion my Big sister BB is messing around and bumps me...she rolled when she heard the sound it sent me into a tizzy. lol

I also met a guy today who comfirmed that i need to be locked in a cage on the days i'm hyper. I was so full of that the day draws to a close i smile at good fun times and things that have happend today....good times.

Thought every good day has a down side... Today i got into a fight with a friend of mine. I admit i started it but i was upset. I feel like i was intruded upon then stomped on and slightly insulted....i know she may read this blog...I want her to know i love her but it did hurt my feelings.

anyway lovers


Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Amazing first post! LOVE EET!!!! RAWR o.O

Ok so I'm Sadie Aura...welcome to my life bahaha*cough* hahaha....I started this blog...Well because I can *giggle* So let me tell you alittle about me.

I'm a 16 year old teen avvy in's a rough go for some not many can hack it. I manage however. Well with the help of friends and family atleast. I like a real teen Go to school, love shopping and hanging with friends, and talk way to much, unlike most teenage girls i love hanging out with my mom she's like my best friend. I can tell her anything and she totally is supportive and doesn't mind when i get in trouble...well not much anyway.

Here's a pic of my mom

isn't she beautiful? She totally rocks and like a said she's always there for me no matter what craziness i got going on.

I of course have friends and a sorority group who are amazing! There my closest friends. PHI TAU DELTA FOREVER!!!!

I have a sister to and her daughter who are equally as awsome as the rest of my totally kick ass life.
Here they are two of my closest peeps in the world. Kadence and kia. Kadence is retarded but loveable and kia is the bbygirl She's always so happy and bubbly and just like her auntie she's loyal to a fault, open minded and slightly insane which is good cause she's like 5. lol.

Lets see what do I do all day..besides shopping lol. I listen to music which believe me is like a full time job. Currently Sadie's IDOL is taylor swift...I love her she is amazing!

In the morning i hang out with my trusty puppy ZZ he's an amazing pup and awsome to be around he's sweet and loyal and doesn't chew my 1001 pairs of shoes. And he only listens to me muahahhah once i told him to pee on someone and he almost did it was GREAT.

LOOK at his eyes so yellow!

My adventures in SL are many. I ran until some pretty weird stuff you got weird people weird events and weird things around you all the time! You never know what your find in SL it's crazy really... Like there's this guy he's my SL stalker his name is mitchell and he wants to wear my head as a hat no joke i'm so cereal.

If i was to desribe myself it would be in the words HYPER MANIC and of course honest to the point of it almost being a disorder. I forget tons of things i make up weird plots to have a giggle, and i troll people sometimes just to get a laugh. I have inside jokes with people like my friend krelik or (chad) I LOVE YOU CHAD!

I'm hopeing to long into this blog thing everynow and again to update you on my amazing and rocking life...though i'm flaky so don't look everyday and expect to see something you totally wont lol.